We are the Commit Partnership

Dallas County can be an inclusive and prosperous region where economic opportunity is shared equitably rather than predicted by race, place and socioeconomic status.

Our true north goal is that by 2040 at least half of all 25-34 year old residents of Dallas County, irrespective of race, will earn a living wage.
About Us
Smart Students

Who We Are

The Commit Partnership is a collective impact organization composed of backbone staff and hundreds of partners across Dallas County and the state of Texas.

Together, we cultivate a collaborative educational ecosystem with school systems, higher education institutions, city, county, and state governments, foundations, non-profits, employers and workforce agencies.

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What We Do

To increase living wage attainment, we must equitably increase educational attainment, maximizing the cumulative effect from early education to college, career, and/or military readiness.



Research points to key academic milestones that are critical for students to be on track to economic stability. Use our Data Dashboard to track these milestones in your Texas school community.

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Measuring Success

Since 2011, we have held ourselves publicly accountable to the greater community by measuring and reporting key educational and living wage indicators through the annual release of the Dallas County Scorecard.

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We inclusively listen to and make decisions with our partners to design and implement systemic solutions.

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